Our Service

Glen Dhu has been rated as "Exceeding National Quality Standard"

Our service has been rated against the National Quality Standards for Early Childhood and Care and School Aged Care, and our rating have been awarded in accordance with the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.
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Hours of Operation:

The service is open from 7.30am – 5.30pm  Monday – Friday (Closed on Public Holidays)

Our Community:

Our Educational Leader is an experienced educator whom is appointed to lead the development and implementation of the educational curriculum. They have a thorough understanding of the Early Years Learning Framework and has many years of experience working in the early childhood sector. They are able to guide and support our educators in their planning and reflection, as well as mentor colleagues in their implementation of pedagogical practices.  

Our Educators are carefully selected for their qualifications, skills, experience and their genuine commitment to providing the highest possible quality of education and care for children at our service. Educators show a commitment to high quality early childhood education and care which values and supports the principals of the Australian Early Childhood Code of Ethics.  

We offer Traineeships as we believe that it is important to offer the early childhood sector, a training environment of high standards and quality practices under the supervision of experienced leaders and educators. We offer 2-3 traineeships per year for suitable applicants, who share our core values and principles.  

Our Families are welcomed into the service in through a parent/family help role, to work with their children, supporting our curriculum, as well as sharing their knowledge, skills and experience with us.

Our Story

Glen Dhu Children’s Services is owned By Carlton Street Early Learning Carlton Street Early Learning commenced in 2021 with the purchase of Rainbow Child Care and Early Learning. In the past three years Carlton Street has added Gaia’s Nest, Sandy Bay Early Learning, Glen Dhu Children’s Services and Tiny Tackers Children’s Centre to their portfolio.

 At the forefront of all Carlton Street services is relationships. Carlton Street is committed to ensuring that small stand alone centres are preserved and do not lose their identity. All of the centres have retained their philosophies and ways of operating whilst having an expanded level of coaching, mentoring and development for their staff.